Thursday, February 21, 2008

Scavengers lunch time dessert & Vanilla Pudding

So, I had random left overs in my fridge:
- too soupy homemade vanilla pudding (I tried to cook it long enough for it to firm up, but it just got foamy. I blame it on the fact that I was making the pudding as a craving at midnight)
- week old rice from an old take out order ( forgotten at the back of the fridge)

I thought why not make rice pudding? Much like Dad's, except using actual pudding vs. milk.

Rice Pudding

1.  I fried the left over rice in a pan with some butter until it was softened up and warm.
2.  Added a small bowl of pudding that was the consistence of Kefir, I mean really soupy.
3.  Threw in a little cinnamon and a bit of sugar to taste.
4.   Waited for it to get bubbly and thicken up.

Viola! Tasty rice pudding!
Now, dad's old recipe and grandma busche's for that matter, add raisins.
I hate raisins. With a terrible and fierce passion.
But if you want to ruin your tasty rice pudding with raisins, be my guest.

Vanilla Pudding ( Grandma Busche's Recipe, i think )
5 cups milk
3 eggs
4 tbsp cornstarch
3/4 cup sugar
sprinkle of salt

In a double boiler bring milk to a boil ( i don't own this double boiler thing, so I just use a regular pot and make sure to stir it a lot so the milk doesn't scald on the bottom.  If it does scald, just don't scrape the bottom of the pan and you should be fine)

While your waiting for the milk to boil mix together eggs, cornstarch, sugar, and salt.  I found that if I just mix everything together all at once my cornstarch gets lumpy, and then my pudding gets lumpy.  So I mixed the sugar, salt, and cornstarch with a fork first.  That way the cornstarch is totally incorporated before you add the eggs.  Make sure its well mixed ( a nice butter yellow color ).

When the milk comes to a boil ( it looks like its foaming ), SLOWLY add the egg mixture, stirring constantly.  If your not slow or stirring constantly, you'll get lumps, which aren't so tasty.

Keep stirring over a medium heat until the pudding has thickened to the consistence you like. Keep in mind that it will firm a little bit as it cools.

This makes a lot of pudding, so I usually make a big bowl for myself to eat when it cools slightly ( though I usually can't wait and burn my mouth ).  The rest I put into bowls and put those in the fridge for the week.  And by week I mean the following day.


1 comment:

Our Family Recipes said...


That is definately Grandma Busche's vanilla pudding recipe. As I understand it the recipe was actully handed down from her mother-so its a multi-generational thing. As far as I am concerned its the best pudding in the world. I remember coming home during the winter as a child and Grandma Busche would be making it foe dinner- only problem was that with 8 kids that recipe only gave you each a small bowl. Grandma Busche used to use it over rice sometimes too, but I didn't like it as much. Man- I'm getting hungry.